As your baby grows into a toddler it’s a time of rapid change & development. Everything is a big new adventure which can make things tricky when it comes to toddler nutrition & mealtimes. Check our guide below to find out what nutrients toddlers needs…

Essential for making healthy blood cells & carrying oxygen. It's in red meat, fish, poultry, eggs & beans, lentils & dried fruits.

Omega 3 fatty acids
It is important that you child is eating enough fat, omega-3 fatty acids are good fats which you can find in fatty fish like salmon.

Vitamin D
Needed for healthy bones & teeth. Until 4 years kids need a vitamin D supplement (10ug) as what they need can’t be found in food alone.

Vitamin C
Helps with growth of your child and the repair of skin and other tissues. Oranges, mango, cauliflower, broccoli and berries all contain it.
Sugars are a carbohydrate and they provide energy. It's important to limit your child’s intake of sugary drinks, sweets and high sugar snacks. A diet high in sugar can lead to dental issues as well as encourage a sweet tooth.
When giving your children a sweet treat it is better to give pure fresh or dried fruit – these can also be added when cooking to sweeten foods, for example rice pudding, porridge, muffins or cereal.

The maximum daily salt intake for 1 to 3 year olds is 2,5 g per day. Little ones cannot tolerate large amounts of salt due to them having immature kidneys. A lot of processed foods contain high levels of added salt so these must be avoided too as children can become accustomed to these and can develop a high salt tolerance.

Young children live a very active lifestyle and are growing and developing at an alarming rate. The energy they require aids rapid growth, brain development, development of immunity, rapid recovery following infection and physical activity. Their dietary needs also vary considerably to that of an adult. For little ones aged 1-3 a guide of 850-1100 kcalories is suggested, but remember each little one is different.